
Important Note: The Bed & Breakfast is open year round! Any questions regarding the Bed & Breakfast or Tree Farm call 845-355-4751.

The Tree Farm

Contact Us

207 Stony Bar Road, Slate Hill, Orange County, NY 10973
(Within 5 miles of I-84 and 10 miles of Route 17)

Click for Directions



(For weekday appointments or more information!)
The Bed & Breakfast is open year-round.
The Tree Farm will be open for the 2025 Holiday Season, starting the 1st Saturday after Thanksgiving in November.
All reservations through AirBnB (100% 5 Stars!)

Stone Oak Tree Farm is a Choose-and-Cut Christmas Tree Farm. Enjoy a hike through our woods--more than 8 acres of spruce & firs of all sizes---you're sure to find the Christmas tree for you and your family. This year, trees up to 8ft. are $75.00 each; Each additional foot over 8 ft. will be $5.00 extra. Cash or Check only. There is a $5.00 additional charge if you choose netting for your trip home.
With a little help from their friends, the barn was raised in 2002. Here are three news articles about building the barn...
Your Hosts: Richard & Natalie Onorati
(photo courtesy Erin Witkowski Photography)

Inside the barn we feature an antique & gift shop with many collectibles, a huge roaring fireplace, and free hot chocolate and candy canes. For sale in the barn are handmade, freshly-decorated wreaths of greens, homemade cookies, and a selection of local maple syrup, soaps, and firewood bundles.
The Antique/Gift Store in the Barn
Free hot chocolate & candy canes by the roaring fire
Visit Stone Oak Tree Farm and B & B
Enjoy our timber-frame barn built from trees milled on the farm

Visit the barn where you can sit and warm up by the roaring fireplace or stroll through the antique & gift shop. Homemade, freshly decorated wreaths, cookies, and various breads, along with locally made maple syrup, soaps, and firewood bundles are all available within the timber-frame barn built by your hosts: Richard & Natalie Onorati.